Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Lessons learned so far

These are a few things I have learned along the way. I am still learning.

1. "Go as slow as possible, but as fast as necessary." Still working on that one. The funny thing is that might be a life lesson, not just an off-road lesson.

2. Do not join because it will make you spend money.

3. 4 low is your friend when you drive a manual.

4. You will kick yourself for not getting 33s. Nothing wrong with the 32s.... they just are not 33s.

5. Sliders are way cool. They will do their job. They will pay for themselves. They should be mod #1.

6. Clutch cancel can be used for hills but after reading some horror stories about shifting in deep mud I found it is very important to use if your transmission is covered in mud or water.

7. Only use Nissan trans fluid!

8. Magnetic antennas suck.

9. Watch out for the trees! They are sneaky bastards.

10. Check your skid bolts! I lost two and a third was on the way out!

11. Check to make sure your sliders are not rotting your frame...

12. In case you missed it the first time: Do not join because it will make you spend money.

13. Re-spool your winch under load. It is embarrassing when you can't pull a Subaru out of a ditch in the snow because the line is slipping.

14. Powdercoat does not like North East winters.

15. LCA mounts do not like rocks.

16. Replace your rear springs when then are worn. Preferably a few thousand miles before you need it. My helwigs held up ok, but I think they eventually lead to my pinion angle issues. If I had replaced my springs they would have saved me the cost of another drive shaft.

17. Pay attention to your pinion angle. The boot on the drive shaft can only take so much abuse.

18. Stuck CVs are no fun.

19. I loathe rust.

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